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Developing Applications with Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server 12c Ed 3

This Developing Applications with Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server 12c training teaches you to build & deploy enterprise applications that comply with Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Profile....

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$5,000 USD
Course Code D66393GC30
Duration 5 days
Available Formats Classroom

This Developing Applications with Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server 12c training teaches you to build & deploy enterprise applications that comply with Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Profile. Create a web-based application that's accessible from desktop & mobile using JSF technology.

Skills Gained

  • Use the Java EE Web Profile
  • Develop and run an EJB technology application
  • Develop basic Java Persistence API entity classes to enable database access
  • Develop a web-based user interface using JSF, Servlets, and JSPs
  • Design applications to use CDI
  • Use IDEs and Application Servers for Java EE development
  • Create mobile web applications
  • Validate data using Bean Validation
  • Secure Enterprise Applications
  • Use Logging
  • Install Oracle WebLogic Sever 12c zip file distribution